To mark the publication of “Femmes photographes. Dix ans de luttes pour sortir de l’ombre”, a choral account of a decade of activism for […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
This book is magical. Its title : Bob Dylan Mixing Up the Medecine. It is released today by Callaway editions. Bob Dylan : Mixing […]…
A fleur de peau : mémoire d’un défilé éphémere, this is the title of Karine Saporta‘s exhibition which is on until January 7 at the […]…
Received from photographer Peter B Leighton this amazing portfolio accompanied by this text. The indigenous, Ecuadorian Quechua believe life and death are inseparable and […]…
Until November 11, the La Filature gallery in Mulhouse presents Aglaé Bory! For Ici Ailleurs, it is the Mulhouse territories that the artist captured, […]…
The exhibition Un monde à guérir (A World to Heal), 160 years of photography through the collections of the Red Cross and Red Crescent […]…
For this first edition, the jury decided to reward, Thursday October 19, at the Studios de l’Usine (Paris X!), Kourtney Roy for her book […]…
The Bernal Espacio Galería will present "Deborah Turbeville: The Power of the Female Gaze": a solo exhibition of over thirty lifetime works, exhibited for the very first time in Spain…
German photographer Klaus Kampert embraces a holistic approach to his nude photography, to be discovered on Artistics.…