October 25th 2010: two years. The newspaper is two years old. 24 months ago, 3 mad men (Alex Kummerman, Naddermier Magnus and myself) started The Journal ( The Letter at…
Author Jean-Jacques NAUDET
John Kobal was a friend. He was handsome, sumptuous, flamboyant. He lived only for his passion: photography from the golden age of Hollywood film studios. The legend says that whenever…
Jeanloup Sieff passed away twelve years ago. A collection of his fashion photography has just been published by La Martinière. The book is gorgeous: the images are sublime, the texts…
There has always been a great tenderness and sense of complicity between Dominique Isserman and Leonard Cohen. For his next tour, which begins tomorrow at the Olympia in Paris, Dominique…
The French Minister of Culture and Communication, Aurélie Filippeti, has announced the end of a law—’La Loi Guigou’—that limits who and what photographers in this country can photograph, and where…