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Author Jean-Jacques NAUDET

Obscene !

This is the most obscene email of the month. A death sentence for entire sections of photography. AI : An incurable Aid disease for […]…

In Memoriam : Olivier Garros (1943-2024)

Olivier Garros passed away. Look at these archives: one of his first portfolio in PHOTO and his book announcement . He was […]…

PhotoSaintGermain 2024

The first photographic madness in Paris, 7 others will follow next week. PhotoSaintGermain: 25 days, 34 exhibitions, 8 co-productions, new projects and more than […]…

Like – Issue 18

Issue 18 of Like magazine has just been released. A fantastic story is in it : about Russ Melcher, one of the last actors […]…


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