Finally, in the exhibition space of the Zara Gallery in the luxurious Grand Hyatt hotel, a documentary exhibition that’s well done, and on a theme that may surprise. The young Jordanian…
Author Christian Caujolle
In the room next door is a series by Dalia Naber on the former soldiers who stand guard at the entrances of immense homes and buildings throughout the city. While the photography…
Some will be won over by this exhibition. Others won’t. But it is undoubtedly the product of serious work and reflection on the part of Mohamed Abu El Naga, who examines…
It is to this Brazilian photographer that I might have given the International Lens Award. Her black-and-white “story” of two sisters in the same train is tender, elegant, mysterious and…
This series also could have won with its beautiful depiction of snow-covered Kabul, discreet, tender, showing a remarkable finesse with colors. Rarely have we felt such harmony in Kabul, with…
The institution responsible for gathering a treasure-trove of memory and saving an impressive body of archives from photo studios has approached the theme “Together” with originality and detachment tinged with…
Born in Cambodia in 1982, Lim Mengkong studied photography all by himself with only a few books and a lot of practicing. The autodidact became Assistant to the Artistic Director of Globe Magazine South-East…
The exhibition Foreign Familiar, created by Wolfgang Bellwinkel in 2011, brings together 9 photographers, 8 Europeans and 1 American. Their common goal is to live and work in Asia. They all have a…
Born in France in 1979, Vincent J. Stoker started to use photography “by necessity” to express artistically the topic he’s almost obsessed with since he discovered an abandoned paper factory in Corbeilles-Essone:…