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Auctions : Fondation Architectes de l’Urgence in Paris


The Fondation Architectes de l’Urgence, founded in 2001, provides assistance to those affected by natural or man-made disasters around the world. On May 21st, it will be holding the fourth edition of its annual auction.

Recent events in Nepal have highlighted the foundation’s work: assisting, relocating, training and supporting people in need and helping them piece their lives back together. Partners of this event include the Laboratoire Picto—which printed the work of photographers like Martin Argyroglo, Philippe Beasse, Maxime Delvaux and Georges Fessy—and the agency VU (as well as its parent company, ABVENT) which donated photographs from Claude Poquet, Paolo Verzone, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps and others.

“Architectes de l’Urgence”
Exhibition : du 7 au 20 mai 2015
Auctions : le 21 mai 2015, 19h
Pavillon de l’Arsenal
21 Boulevard Morland
75004 Paris

Openiing hours of the Pavillon de l’Arsenal :
Monday : Closed
Tuesday – Saturday : 10h30 – 18h30
Sunday : 11h -19h

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