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Arles 2024 : Arlaten : Hans Silvester : Viser Juste


It’s a new festival for Hans Silvester. Not just any exhibition, since this one is located within the Musée Arlaten and is associated with the Rencontres, and included in their program.

Hans Silvester’s photographs of bowling have already been exhibited and published numerous times over the years. A master’s eye to identify the game that should not be missed, his instinct to anticipate the event and finally his precise and instantaneous gesture on the shutter are banalities. His clairvoyance in extracting the quintessence of a gesture, a look or an original situation shines through in all his images. It is the result of his great photographic skill that the great Provençal Museum has decided to highlight.

Since its long and judicious renovation, Arlaten has successfully strived to keep alive a regional heritage, both tangible and intangible.

This is the case for this exhibition. The producers of this event have endeavored to transform yet another contemplative exhibition of Hans’ works into an immersion in the Provençal world of various bowling games. Everything is planned so that everyone can go as far as they wish in discovering this sport which has conquered the planet across all generations.

The images, as playful as they are a source of reflection, were captured from 1960 to 1975. Traditions were still in place with cigarette at the corners of the mouth while the bowling alleys became real playgrounds for games. (in every sense of the word!).

All this emerges, with great subtlety and humor, in Hans’ photographs and in the association of materials that have become collector’s items.

At first, you will certainly think: “I have already seen these photographs”, I believe that the opportunity is unique to see the images differently. It would be a shame to miss this experience. And then the so natural images, of Hans Silvester, we can never tire of enjoying them.



29 rue de la République
13200 Arles

July 01, 2024 until September 29, 2024
from 09:30 am to 06:30 pm
closed every Monday



Viser Juste : Pétanque et Jeu Provençal dans l’Objectif
éditeur : Silvana Editoriale / Museon Arlaten-Musée de Provence
photographe : Hans Silvester
première édition
format 22 cm x 28 cm
192 pages
150 illustrations
reliure à l’italienne
ISBN 978 8 836656 46 2
prix 30 euros

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