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Arles 2012: Voies Off


The story of the Voies Off festival is closely tied to the story of the Ecole Nationale de la Photographie (ENSP) in Arles. Founded by Christophe Laloi while still a student, he dedicated the 17th edition’s opening ceremonies to the 30th anniversary of the school. Voies Off and the ENSP have co-curated a projection featuring the work of its graduates.

“Sometimes the artist bumps against the unexpected limits of the real,” says Christophe Laloi, “and rubs his eyes against the world’s harshness. With head-on and poetic approaches, they wish to show their attempts at resistance.”

Monday July 2, starting at 22h in the courtyard of the Archevêché, the projection “Les versants du monde” will bring together the work of 22 graduates. The projection will be divided into two parts: “Versant Sud” and “Versant Nord”.

“Versant Sud” (South Slope) will present a vision that is more gentle, creative and aesthetic. The works of Amaury da Cunha, Anaïs Boudot, Caroline Chevalier, Delphine Manjard, Marie-Amélie Tondu, Marikel Lahana, Mylène Blanc, Pablo Guidali, Sarah Ritter and Sue-Elie Andrade-Dé will be projected.

“Versant Nord” (North Slope) will develop more challenging and engaging themes. Awen Jones, Céline Clanet, Emmanuel Coqueray, Favret / Manez, Frédérique Massabuau, Jürgen Nefzger, Laurence Bonvin, Marie Le Mounier, Mathieu Pernot, Pétur Thomsen, Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques and Vincent Debanne will show a more raw side of the world.

The screening will be followed by a cocktail reception. Without revealing too much, several speeches are expected, as well as a short film on the ENSP.

Wilfrid Estève.

Voies Off
July 2 – 7, 2012
26 ter rue Raspail
13200 Arles

“Les 30 ans de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie”
Monday, July 2 at 22h
Soirée d’Inauguration du Festival
Cour de l’Archevêché: Free Admission

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