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Alireza Fani:–The Lost Glory


This series introduces a man whose eccentric glories belong to a remote, ambiguous past. His convictions are just a cover-up for the absurdity of his everyday life.
He is the embodiment of the spirit and aspirations of a nation. This heroic figure is not history as it occurred; he is the history as it was desired. He is more articulate than an account of wars and massacres, revealing the convictions of a nation that has long held such a vision

I was born in 1975 in Tehran-Iran. I received diploma in graphic design from Chamran technical high school of Gorgan, in 1994 I entered Azad university of art and architecture and studied graphic design , I resigned in 2000. 

I’ve been working as graphic designer, art director and freelance photographer since 1997 and started to focus on fine art photography since 2007.

Alireza Fani

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