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Alex Schneideman : –Les fous de soleil


The Skin series forms a project which was shot in many different locations in Europe. They put into perspective the desire for humans to prostrate and bare themselves before the Sun God. Almost like a religious pilgrimage we believe that the Kiss of Ra (or sun-burn in other words) is almost akin to deific benediction which will bring us good luck for the year ahead. There is also a good deal of erotocism permissible on the beach which is the intended/unintended consequence of taking our clothes off in close proximity to strangers. There is an unwritten rule on the beach in which behaviour that would be abhorrent elsewhere is permissible.
Like much of my work it deals with the way we organise ourselves in certain situations. How we conform, how we behave and and how we interact with others around us.

I was born in London in 1969, and I am a London based photographer working in social documentary. I spend most of my time examining the intrinsic dynamics of large groups of people through the medium of photography. I travel the world for work and carry out my own projects as well as commissions. I work a lot in Asia.
I am fascinated by the way humans organise themselves when placed in certain physical environments. It is in these human organisms that we can get a glimpse of what lies at the heart of being a human. My work is concerned with unpeeling the layers to discover a truth about humanity from how it acts in these circumstances.
I am represented by the Chandler Gallery in San Francsico and will be exhibiting there (I will send you details soon of this exhibition) in February 2013.
I am also a printer and work and curate exhibitions for other photographers.

Alex Schneideman
[email protected]

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