Intrigued, surprised and curious passers-by observe, through the windows of a confined space, a woman, a man, seated in front of a computer surrounded by a small auxiliary heater and accompanied by a bottle of rum and ‘a thermos of tea, intended to keep them warm during the harsh days and nights of February. On the door, these passers-by can read a sign: “No feeding the writers without their consent.”
In turn, these women and men follow one another to achieve a somewhat crazy challenge: write a novel with eight voices and sixteen hands for 50 hours in a row, in an unusual 1.2 m2 space, namely an old telephone booth located in the district of Alt, in Fribourg. Because these writers, braving the cold and the drafts, were submitted to the gaze of passers-by and the constraints of the place to create a collective and unique work.
It was in February 2019. La Cabinerie, the first telephone booth to be reassigned in Fribourg to become an art and curiosities gallery, joined forces with the Salon du livre romand de Fribourg to produce this performance by eight writers. .
Alan Humerose, photographer and founder of La Cabinerie, photographed non-stop these 50 hours of confined writing. Playing with changes of light throughout these three days and two nights, reflections and lights on the windows of the cabin, games of nuances in which branches mingle with the stripes of a radiator to better swallow a face, he thus gives a multitude of different images, an unsuspected variety of photographs of a scene that always seems identical: a concentration of writers locked in a cage at the edge of a roundabout… The photography revolves around the lights.
And this novel thus written, L’altitude des orties, accompanied by photographs, is published by Cousu Mouche.
Mur blanc #3
Alan Humerose : L’altitude des orties
August 26 – November 8, 2020
Musée gruérien
Rue de la Condémine 25
1630 Bulle, Suisse