Like the desert, the seaside is a place conducive to introspection, meditation, return to oneself. As a border between two worlds, every human being experiences a sensation of happiness and freedom. In front of the ocean, man faces infinity, life, death.
Who will be insensible to the spectacle of this immensity moving?
Born and lived my youth along the great beach of Saint-Malo (France) I became an admirer of the seaside: a landowner on the water’s edge.
Today during every trip I try to find the sea and to go along its coasts. But several times I saw the sea disfigured, in pain. This is the starting point of this project.
In front of this moving and changing sea, the principal decoration of each image, I try to show the evident influence of the presence of the sea on the subjects photographed: the movement, the energy, the life that emerges from the bodies, Joy, or gravity that is read on the faces. Cause the ocean is a voice that speaks to the earth, to the shore. With a pathetic accent, alternately plaintive, menacing or sighing, he interacts with their echoes.
And it is addressed to the man above all.
Alain Carayol