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AIPAD 2015 : Galerie f5,6 (DE)


In part of the AIPAD Photography Show 2015, the Galerie f5,6 selected for us three photographs from Carl Strüwe and Anne Schwalbe’s work. Between 1926 and 1959 Carls Strüwe (1898-1988) worked on the series Formen des Mikrokosmos and explored the world with a microscope and a folding camera. As a pioneer of micro-photography he systematically worked on a categorization of the small shapes and forms, archetypes and the primitive. Close relations to the New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit) and also Subjective Photography. The work of Anne Schwalbe (*1974) is a quiet and unassuming exploration of nature and yes – feelings. The gallery features works of her series Vulkan oder Stein (volcano or stone) this year and will present four of her beautiful hand pulled analog prints.

AIPAD 2015
16 – 19 April, 2015
The Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065

Galerie f5,6
20th-Century Vintage and Contemporary Photography
Ludwigstrasse 7
Munich Bavaria 80539 

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