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Ade Adekola–Ethnoscapes; Icons as Transplants


Ade Adekola: Ethnoscapes; Icons as Transplants

In this series “Ethnoscapes; Icons as Transplants”, Adekola superimposes street portraits of people, shot in Lagos, over backdrops of American, Asian and European cities to create hybrid environmental portraits. The juxtaposition of these two types of images in his pieces results in a visual tension which creates a space in the middle-ground (between the fore and background) where our perception is heightened, and the images start to hint: at polarizing tensions of migrant communities, the paradoxes of identity in an interconnected world and the consumption homogeneity of globalization to name a few.

Ade Adekola
Adekola makes artworks as think pieces that seek to tease the mind; they help in questioning the boundaries between individual identity and collective experiences. Viewers are invited to engage, as a way of reflecting on their own lives and that of the society in which they live. Ade lives in Lagos where he continues to create artworks as think pieces.

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