The ADAGP, whose acronym stands for Authors Society in Graphic and Plastic Arts, created the Monograph Collection Award this year. Formed as a set of several grants, the prize supports creators in order to help them producing ‘the publication of a first monograph while presenting their productions with quality critical texts.’
Laureates will receive 15,000 euros each to finance their books. The jury was made up of artists Jean-Michel Alberola and Hervé Télémaque, art critic Stéphane Corréard, director of the CNAP’s Marc Vaudey, and art creator and specialist Pascale Brun. Arre. The winners, all categories combined, are:
- Alix Delmas, book published by the publisher The Edge of Water (planned in March 2019).
- Pierre Jean Giloux, published by the publisher Zéro2 Editions (expected in April 2018).
- Olivier Masmonteil, a work published by Le Cercle d’Art Editions (planned for spring 2018).
- Anita Molinero, a work published by the Thomas Bernard Gallery – Cortex Athletico (planned for autumn 2018)
- Christiane Pooley, a work published by Galerie Bendana Pinel Contemporary Art (planned for September 2018).
Among them, Alix Delmas and Pierre-Jean Giloux are photographers.