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a ppr oc he – 7th edition : Open Call


a ppr oc he – a salon with a unique bias : presenting artists who appropriate the photographic medium.

Founded in 2017 by Emilia Genuardi, a ppr oc he is an independent salon designed as an exhibition, with a curatorial gaze, and selects artists who use photography on non-traditional media exploring issues of photosensitivity. a ppr oc he presents each year, in November, at the same time as Paris Photo, works by 15 artists represented by their galleries. A new type of art fair showcasing artists and inviting dialogue.

To build this salon dedicated to an experimental approach to photography, we look for new talents every year who use photography on non-traditional media and question photosensitivity.

For this next edition, we are widening our search net through a call for applications intended for artists and their gallery.
The artist and his gallery will be selected by Emilia Genuardi, founder and director of the a ppr oc he salon.

Create an account or log in to read more and see all pictures.

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