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500 portraits from East London clubland


”With the rise of social networking, the ‘user’ allows the world a view into their life, by providing certain elements of private information into the public domain. One key element of this is the profile picture: a public display of ones self to the world. This image provides a whole array of fascinating insights to the life of the person it belongs to, but tend towards the gracious and satisfying. Contrary to this are images that mask and protect the user from unwanted attention.
The Facebook project is about uncovering the person behind the ‘profile image’ and trying to create a set of images by which everyone is revealed in a more straight forward manner or one in which you might recognise them while walking down the street.”

This is how Irish photographer Morgan O’Donovan describes The Facebook Project – a serie of more than 500 portraits of London clubbers. The photographs were taken in bars and clubs during 12 nights in late 2009. Now they are to be shown at Dalston Superstore in East London. More than a hundred life-size portraits will be displayed, with another 370 shown on a projector.
Magnus Naddermier

The Facebook Project by Morgan O’Donovan
Opening 24th November at Dalston Superstore
117 Kingsland Road
London E8 2PB +44 (0)20 7254 2273

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