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3rd edition of Les Filles de la Photo Mentoring program : Call for applications


Les Filles de la Photo association announces the launch of the 3rd edition of Les Filles de la Photo Mentoring program.

The Les Filles de la Photo association, created in 2018, currently has 280 members representing nearly 30 professions in the photography eco-system. All wishing to be “better informed in order to better act ”, these women together wish to run a laboratory of ideas and use their influence to promote and defend photography.

The Mentoring #3 call for projects is accessible until May 27, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., on the Filles de la Photo website, and is for all professional women photographers based in mainland France and overseas territories. , without age limit. For this third edition of Mentoring, we are keen to enrich the pool of candidates from cultural and geographical diversity.

The objectives of Mentoring:
Provide access to a network that is often difficult to penetrate for women photographers,
Develop mutual knowledge and escape isolation,
Make women photographers and their work visible to professionals,
Allow a better understanding of the methodologies and functioning of the photography ecosystem,
Benefit from long-term support,
Open up broader and more ambitious career prospects.

The Mentoring program is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry responsible for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination, Women In Motion, a Kering program to highlight women in arts and culture, Picto Foundation, PhotoSaintGermain and ADAGP.

For more information, consult the Mentoring page on the Filles de la Photo website.

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