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Promenades Photographiques de Marseille & Artplexe : Romain Boutillier : Lost in Camargue


Les Promenades Photographiques de Marseille are joining forces with the Artplexe cinema to offer a photographic exhibition within the walls of the most recent cinema created by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, inaugurated in October 2021 on the Canebière.

Until September 30, 2024, photographer Romain Boutillier, an adopted Arlesian, will present his series Lost in Camargue highlighting a timeless and mysterious territory, full of history, as opposed to the iconic images that we know of this wild region. This photographic series was produced following the world health crisis, over a period of one year. This photographic project is also available in the form of a book. Published by Libel editions, this collection will be available for sale in the Artplexe premises. The gallery presents it like this:

Let us imagine ourselves lost in space and time. Wandering the three corners of this island, the “Camargue”.
A journey through a silent, timeless, mysterious, beautiful and desolate Camargue.
A feeling of world’s end in a unique nature.
The Camargue has a Wild West feel.
This is the Camargue as it is, as it was and as it will be, at least, as long as it exists.
It is the portrait of a territory, behind the scenes, of an iconic and tourist postcard of the Camargue.
Human absence plunges us into a world between reality and fiction.


Romain Boutillier : Lost in Camargue
From April 16 to September 30, 2024
Opening: Tuesday April 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the presence of the artist
125 La Canebière
13001 Marseille


Romain Boutillier : Lost in Camargue
Published by Libel editions, this collection will be available for sale in the Artplexe premises

Artist’s website:

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