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Kyotographie 2024 : Kaleïdoscope Museum Kyoto : Utopian Light by Thierry Maindrault


“Our columnist, Thierry Maindrault, is exhibiting in Kyoto at the Kaleïdoscope Museum Kyoto, as curator, with his photographs and those of Alain Robert, and Jun Sato. He presents this exhibition as follow:

Nebula Incerta by Thierry Maindrault

These are some of the latest works resulting from my work, begun in 1966, on uncertain vagueness. Research and experiments that I was able to refine until 2008. This photographic technique anticipates the fluctuating interpretations of a reader’s view of the image, according to the parameters external to their vision. Flowers remain the preferred medium closely associated with my research. These portraits must reflect on life, as it is channeled by space and time. No creators without a subject, no subjects without a creator.

Paper Works by Jun Sato

The Japanese master who carried out his creative apprenticeships, shared between Japan and France, continues his approach to extract and tame the quintessence of light. He continues his subtle shots around the matter, domesticated if possible. After his work on paper folding, presented in Arles a few years ago, he continues on the sets of translucent and colored strips. If the control of light hardens objectively, the purity and harmony of the images bring poetry while revealing a growing and subtle poetic emotion in each view.

Crystal by Alain Robert

The photographs selected with the author, for Kyoto, are taken from Alain’s collection, already presented in Arles in 2021. This series quite naturally found its place in this exhibition on the utopia of light, it was evident when the theme of the exhibition was selected. As a reminder, this work was carried out only from objects made in crystal. The pieces, selected by the photographer, were lit by micro-beams of light to extract strong symbolism from the translucent structure. Meticulous and very delicate photographic work, with precise shots in a darkroom.



Kaleidoscope Museum Kyoto
706-3 Dongeinmae-cho Dongein Maecho Nagagyô-ku

35°00’35.0″N 135°45’41.9″E

Wednesday April 10, 2024 to Sunday April 21, 2024

free entrance
open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
closed Monday April 15, 2024

[email protected]

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