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Galerie W : Chris Morin-Eitner


The Parisian gallery W exhibits until March 4 the images of Chris Morin-Eitner. As a presentation, he wrote these few lines:

While walking through the temples of Angkor, I was fascinated by the way nature had reclaimed the premises. At the height of their splendor, in the middle of the jungle, these temples must have been impressive, as are today the gigantic buildings where man asserts his domination over nature. A nature that he controls and pushes ever further, imposing a coded, designed, structured and urbanized mineral universe.

Angkor, today invaded by lianas and sublime with poetry, and tomorrow, what will become of Dubai, Shanghai, New York, Rome, Paris…? What will become of these urban spaces, these megacities “megacities”, these civilizations today at the top?

My work is built from an optimistic vision, full of hope, full of life, a rediscovered Garden of Eden, teeming with colors, shapes, to create a poetic world and make the hierarchy of right angles , flat and unobstructed surfaces disappear, letting nature imagine new forms.

The starting point is always a city that I have photographed, where an iconic building, old or contemporary can be recognised. I then compose the image: colors, shadows, textures, sharpness, perspective and then clipping of tags, animals, trees and plants… all kinds of elements that feed the universe that I explore .

Chris Morin Eitner


Chris Morin-Eitner
Until March 4, 2023
Galerie W
5 rue du Grenier-Saint-Lazare
75003 Paris

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