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Fondazione MAST : Vertigo – Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes


The Fondazione MAST presents the exhibition Vertigo – Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes curated by Urs Stahel: 29 international artists address the theme of our changing society through the artistic medium of video art.

From February 10 to June 30, the MAST galleries will host 34 video art installations that analyze, comment on, explore and investigate rapid change in different contexts, including work and production processes, trade and circulation, new behaviors, communication, natural environment and social contract.

Is there a better artistic medium than the moving image to convey the idea of transformation, transition and, ultimately, the vertigo that this continuous mutation provokes?

The exhibition is organized into six thematic sections accompanied by a series of « Interludes », video installations scattered throughout the exhibition that act as commentaries on contemporary world events, the state of the planet and our global condition.

Vertigo – Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes is therefore a somewhat atypical exhibition: it consists exclusively of video creations of very different durations, some lasting several hours. Visitors can use their smartphones to scan the QR code next to each installation and listen to the accompanying sound with headphones. The duration of the video, a description of its content and the thematic section to which it belongs are indicated next to each work.

The exhibition spaces include seating for comfortable viewing of the videos: the exhibition is designed to be enjoyed and discovered over several visits, so visitors are invited to return to MAST to complete the viewing of all the videos.

The international artists featured in Vertigo, who belong to different generations, are: Lucy Beech, Will Benedict, Cao Fei, Chen Chieh-jen, Douwe Dijkstra, DIS, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Melanie Gilligan, Simon Gush, Lauren Huret, Sven Johne, Kaya & Blank, Ali Kazma, Dominique Koch, Gabriela Löffel, Ariane Loze, Eva & Franco Mattes, Richard Mosse, Paulien Oltheten, Stefan Panhans & Andrea Winkler, Julika Rudelius, Pilvi Takala, Wang Bing, Anna Witt


Vertigo – Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes
February 10 – June 30 2024
Fondazione MAST
via Speranza, 42 Bologna

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