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Cosmopolis : Reza : The Persian eye, photography, an act of resistance


Reza exhibits as part of L’Iran en révolutions 1979-2024 at the Cosmopolis in Nantes.

Reza’s photos bear witness to the wave of hope aroused by the Islamic revolution, a hope quickly dashed by the repression which fell on the Iranian population, in particular on women, forced to wear the black chador like others wear grief.

The exhibition also covers the outbreak of the war against Iraq, the hostage taking at the United States embassy, ​​and the bombings against Kurdish villages. Photos published at the time in the international media.

Philanthropist, idealist, humanist, Reza left his work as an architect in 1979 for a commitment: “photography in the service of Humanity”. Since then, he has traveled the world, photographing conflicts, revolutions and human catastrophes, but also the joys and sorrows of our humanity. Published by international media (National Geographic, Time Magazine, Stern, Newsweek, El País, Paris Match, Geo…). Reza exhibits and creates major photographic art installations around the world, he lectures at the world’s leading universities and international organizations, and participates in the production of documentaries.

Alongside his work as a photographer, Reza has been, since 1983, a volunteer engaged in training young people and women in conflict societies and the suburbs of megacities on all continents in the language of images. The beneficiaries thus become the visual storytellers of their own destiny. His actions are supported by his associations “Aina world” and “Reza Visual Academy”.

Author of thirty-five books, awarded numerous times throughout his career, Reza is a Senior Fellow of the Ashoka Foundation. He received the World Press Photo, the Infinity Award from the International Center of Photography, the Lucy Award, the Medal of Honor from the University of Missouri and the title of Doctor honoris causa from the American University of Paris . France awarded him the medal of Knight of the National Order of Merit.


L’Iran en révolutions 1979-2024
Reza : L’œil persan, la photographie, un acte de résistance
April 8 to May 30, 2024
18 rue Scribe
44000 Nantes, France

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