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Retrouvez ici notre couverture de toutes les expositions photographiques dans le monde, dans les galeries, les musées ou espaces culturels, avec des analyses, des critiques, des interviews, des portfolios d’images.

Orhan Tsolak

Over the past year, I followed a group of young friends, all of them keen amateur fishermen, from a small farming village, in the Thrace region of Northern Greece. …

Carlo D’Orta

Biocities. Cities and large industrial plants are made of thin webs which occasionally reveal their essence: textures of a life flowing also underneath or inside concrete geometries. My photography draws…

Kerim Aytac

The Commute is a relatively recent form of travel. Suburbia and Exurbia ever expanding into spaces designed to accommodate this transfer; the journey has become a formality. This project seeks…

Alessandra Gatti

My name is Alessandra Gatti and I am 20 years old. I live in Treviso but studying in Verona, in the Veneto region, north-east of Italy. I have never studied…

Douglas Yates–

My interest is ice and water and what we can learn of these common substances we we look closely. In this suite of images, I’m cataloging the faces of ice…

Fabien Pio

Actuellement étudiant à l’École Supérieure des Beaux ­Arts de Montpellier Agglomération, et ayant auparavant étudié la sociologie des arts de de la culture au niveau de master à l'Université d'Avignon,…

Bruno Seigle

Cuba! Buena vista social club? Amours intéressés? Cocotiers et résidences standardisées? Sentiment étrange, temps d'adaptation, où est ma place? Les yeux grands ouverts pour en voler le parfum. Regards fiers…


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