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Retrouvez ici notre couverture de toutes les expositions photographiques dans le monde, dans les galeries, les musées ou espaces culturels, avec des analyses, des critiques, des interviews, des portfolios d’images.

Oliver Eglin

Berghain/Panorama is probably the most infamous techno club on the planet. Housed in a former power generation plant on semi-wasteland in East Berlin it is a club like no other.…

Abu Sayeed Sumon

I believe I have portrayed some human figures those who are really brave, fighting with daily family economical storm what draw a geometrical story of food and its draw…

Jocelyne Forgeot

A quelques encablures de Lubahanbajo (île de Flores), les Badjos sont installés sur l'île minuscule de Misa. Le village s'étale sur toute sa surface. Les maisons colorées, pour la plupart,…

Nagi Fero

My name is Nagi and i'm 22. I'm French, i was born in Strasbourg then moved to Paris for studies and now i'm living in Saint-denis near Paris.…

Podunova Natasha

Recently, I had a pleasure of having my family accompany me to Rome, the Eternal City, where I went for a Special Project Photography Shoot. Between my assignments, I took…

Max Hirshfeld

In Haiti there are over one million orphans. After the earthquake in 2010 thousands of these children were left homeless or were sent to orphanages because their parents could not…

ICP: My Truth, Your Truth

L’International Center of Photography de New York présente jusqu'au 12 aout une exposition signée de ses étudiants du programme en un an. On y verra des photographies, des vidéos et…

Palm Springs : Michael Childers

Le Musée de Palm Springs présente l'exposition "Backyard Oasis" qui rassemble les travaux de nombreux photographes contemporains tels que David Hockney, Herb Ritts and Michael Childers. Dans cette vidéo, Michael…


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