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Auteur/autrice L'Œil de la Photographie

Bamako 2011 –Upekkha

Nous autres, Égyptiens, entretenons de grands mythes sur notre armée. De quoi écrire tout un livre de mythologies. Je regarde souvent mes enfants jouer avec les figurines militaires amazoniennes…

Valerie Schmidt

The images are constructions of theatricality and outline the affective logic of dramatic emotion. The isolation of the emotional state of emergency is a constant stylistic device of the photographs…

Naama Sarid

Naama Sarid [Tel Aviv, Israel, 1977] Architect. She began an intense career as a documentary and conceptual photographer in Madrid (2008). Had worked as a photographer in the Spanish magazine…

Max Hirshfeld

The 175 employees of Atlas Container produce corrugated boxes in a simple, mid-century building outside Baltimore, Md. I have photographed over 80 people so far in the factory in an attempt…

Martial Rossignol

My name is Martial Rossignol. I was born in 1958 and I live and work in Arras, France. After completing my studies (Economics and multimedia), I became a teacher. I…

Bryan Stokely

My name is Bryan Stokely. I'm 33 years old and I've been living and working in Japan for the past 7 years. I got started taking photos about 6 years…


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