Michel Philippot nous emmène dans un sombre voyage cette semaine, nous parcourons le monde, l’Afghanistan, la Syrie, le Lyban, le Maroc, la Grèce…où règnent conflits et protestations. Quand il n’est pas question de révolte, il s’agit de la Reine d’Angleterre qui pose pour un portrait peint par David Dawson ou des 100 millions de Big-Mac consommés en UK, soit 3 par seconde. Le monde ressemble parfois à une gigantesque foire.
Michel Philippot
"Aqqami Fighters in Khost, an eastern province in Afghanistan, representatives of this rebel faction were in Kabul to negotiate with the government." The Guardian June 3. Photo by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
"Aqqami Fighters in Khost, an eastern province in Afghanistan, representatives of this rebel faction were in Kabul to negotiate with the government.". The Guardian, June 3. Photo: Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
""u00a0La Cumbrau00a0" in Columbia, Hermes Ciufentes exorcises three people who believe they are possessed by the devil. The Guardian, June 3. Photo Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty."rn
"Greece, an OTE worker from the state telephone company protesting against plans to privatize." The Guardian, June 3. Photo by Petros Giannakouris/AP.
"Demonstration in Rabah, Morocco, Sunday May 29." Libération, June 4.rnPhoto Reuters.
"Demonstration in Syria in Amuda, Friday June 3."rnAFP/YouTube.rnLibération, June 4
"Bosniac Muslim women, victims of the Sebrinisca massacre in pictures on the walls, watching TV as Mladic arrives at the Hague for trial." The Guardian, June 4. Photo Arnel Emric/AP.rnThe Guardian, June 4
"On Friday, June 3, in Sanaa, Yemen. A Yemenite soldier looks at a demonstration of tens of thousands of people after the Friday prayers."rnPhoto Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty.rnThe Guardian, June 4
"Lucian painting a picture of the Queen in 2001." rnA picture taken by David Dawson belonging to the u201cGovernment Art Collectionu201d, part of which is open to the public at the u201cWhitechapel Galleryu201d in London.rnThe Guardian, June 4
Climbing in Chad, in the Ennedi desert, in the North East of the country. Here climbing the Bishkele's Arch, 90 meters high. Sunday Times Magazine June 5. Photo Jimmy Chin.
100 million Big Macs eaten in the UK, that is 3 every secondu2026. The Sunday Times Magazine offers us a visual and written descent on the conception of this particular hunger that resonates in the mouth like a perfect chord, but we've grown tired for a lack of surprise. I particularly appreciate the page design, the cow placed in front her futureu2026 ending up between flabby bread, onions and saladu2026Sunday Times Magazine June 5. Photo Gareth Philips
No credits
On the occasion of the exhibition u201cThe Queen, Art and Imagesu201d at the National Gallery of Edinburgh (From June 26 through September 18, 2011), six decades of portraits, paintings and photographs on Queen Elizabeth are displayed. Here, in Glasgow, in 1999 the Queen visits a council home and drinks tea with resident Suzan McCarron. Suzan's son is in the background, standing with the building's superintendent. Hearty, isn't it? In France, Giscard d'Estaing had done a similar thing, but would arrive with Madame, a matter of economy without a doubt. Sunday Times Magazine June 5. Photo Dave Cheskin.
Rafael Nadal. He is not a sculpture but a tennis player happy to be showing his muscles. Winning muscles of a winner. Sunday Times Magazine June 5. Photo: Clive Brunskill / Outline by Getty Images.
"Sanaa, Yemen. Demonstrating happiness after the announcement that the country's president, Saleh, injured during an attack on his palace, was evacuated for treatment in Saudia Arabia." The Guardian, June 6. Photo Yahya Arhab/EPA.
"On the Golan Heights, near Majdal Chams. Palestinians try to cross the frontier between Israel and Syria. IDF soldiers (Israeli Defense Forces) shoot at them. Libération, June 6. Photo Jack Guez/AFP.
"Ukraine, Kiev, Gogol street. A neighborhood built during the Communist era, this story shows how people lived.rnPhotographer Yegenia Beloruset won a grant from the Royal Photographic Society of The Guardian for this reportage."rnThe Guardian, June 6
"After the cucumber, now its German sprouts." Liberation, June 7rnPhoto J. Eisele/AFP.rn
"4 lost souls in the street left to beg." Liberation, June 7rnPortraits taken by Laurent Troude. rn
"The Plouha beach in the Côtes d'Armor covered with green algae as invasive as smelly. A gift from intensive animal farming that produces these green algae." Libération, June 7. Photo: Damien Meyer/AFP.rn
"Peru, Lima. Ollanta Humala, the new Peruvian President celebrating his victory." Libération, June 7. Photo: Ernesto Benavides.
"Lybian volunteers training. Three intensive weeks of preparation to fight Qaddafi's troops." The Guardian, June 7. Photo: Rodrigo Abd/AP.
"Prada will be introduced to the Hong Kong stock market on June 26 and hopes to raise $2.6 billion. Here is there fashion show in Beijing in January." The Guardian, June 7. Picture Feng Li/Getty Images.
"Chile. Photographic views of the Puyehue volcano erupting." The Guardian, June 7. Photo I. Alvarado/Reuters - C. Santana/AFP/Getty Images., F. Negroni/Agencia Uno, I. Salas/EPA.
"Palestinian burials after killings by Israeli troops, convinced of a set up to deter attention from Syrian protests." The Times, June 7. Phot: Muzzafar Salman/AP.rn
The picture is signed DR (Droits reservés, all rights reserved), which is strange, as - the least we can say- the distinguished representative from the State of New York had followed his strangest desires and took pictures of himself. The copyright licensing belongs to him, the image reproduction rights should not be discussed. It seems to be an erected penis, happily envelopped in boxer shorts! I had to enlarge the picture though (thanks to photoshop!). But, what is it in the air of New York? Nocturnal emissions, diurnal emissions? Those of you who are staying in the Big Apple, be careful of the surrounding miasmas. The photo is signed Anthony Weiner, a representativeu2026Libération, 8 juin
World Press 2011. Among the series u201cart and spectacleu201d in the category u201cIsoléeu201d (Isolated). The rehearsal of Joséphine Nsumba Mpongo, 37 years old, cello player of the only symphonic orchestra from Central Africau2026. Thanks to the photographer McConnel for showing us an image that does not seem like the already seen series that we are usually subjected to by this prize. Libération, June 8
"Jorge Semprun passed away." Libération, June 9. Photo Olivier Roller/ Fedephotorn
"Hello and good-bye for good, the last mission of the space shuttle "Endeavour". A photo taken from a Soyuz capsule. The last shuttle in service is signing off the end of a wonderful dream, those of the 1960's and 1970's that tried to bring men together and our comprehension to go further ... in the universe. The Chicago boys have done their job. No more discoveries, or probably less, but how many more billionaires are willing to pay the price in cash. The research, the need for discoveries cannot be solved with the idea of profits in mind. That's where we are."rnThe Times, June 9.rnPhoto. Paolo Nespoli-ESA/ NASA via Getty.rn
"A maternity in Manila, a hundred babies are born each day, with three mothers in each bed, and in the "high season, there is between 13 to 16 women in the labor room. It is chaotic, but organized chaos, no baby is born on the floor", according to Arlene Matanguihan, MD."rnThe Guardian, June 9th
"A police officer assits Larry, Downing Street's rat-catching cat, to enter No 10 yesterday"rnThe Guardian, June 10th.rnPhoto Carl Court/AFP
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