Felicity lives in a sunny place that could be the south of Italy and she’s experiencing an intense and troubled love affair with Ricardo. This love affair takes her to…
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Ce sont des milliers d’images et d’articles, documentant l’histoire de la photographie et son évolution au cours des dernières décennies, à travers un journal quotidien unique. Explorez comment la photographie, en tant qu’art et phénomène social, continue de définir notre expérience du monde.
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A new collection of photographs from the streets of Paris. As is my style, a number include confronting images of homeless people and gypsies. Whilst I often get criticised at…
By the Water project began a number of years ago when I was spending part of each summer on the coast of Brittany with my family. The beach scene there…
I would like to present for your consideration the following portfolio of black and white photographs of the natural and urban landscapes. Portraits of ordinary places and places of the…
Cette perpétuelle étude "European Chronicles" n'a d'autre prétention que celle de témoigner des hasardeux instants de vie se déroulant sous l'oeil d'un jeune homme de son époque. M'efforçant de garder…