Même être chargée par un troupeau d’éléphants sauvages ne pouvait freiner mon enthousiasme pour ce beau pays. Mon mari et moi avons voyagé là-bas […]…
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Visiter la prison de Fremantle aujourd’hui, c’est être replongé dans une période sombre de l’histoire de l’Australie occidentale. Initialement conçue pour les condamnés britanniques […]…
In a 1927 letter to Sigmund Freud, Romain Rolland coined the phrase « oceanic feeling » to refer to the sensation of being one with the universe. According to […]…
White is maybe the most rigorous and psychological color, it seems to purify the surfaces, it’s a color that makes the vacuum merge. The […]…
“Nothing in the world is a matter of black and white, not even in Mississippi, where everything is a matter of black and white” […]…
Reality is not always as it appears to us. My photographic work is based on representing through the photos the thin line that divides […]…
As a street photographer, I often see the day-to-day life of a city filled with hardships and challenges. Fortunately, my view changed one afternoon […]…
« If I also leave you for a short time, my loneliness, If love drags me along, I’ll come back, certain; Feelings give in, you […]…
I come back to live in London after many years. Despite the uncertainty of the Brexit, the City is changing. Cranes, indicating a new […]…