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Auteur/autrice L'Œil de la Photographie

Sanjoy Shubro

When it comes it comes with many things. It is loneliness. Loneliness from relationship, frustration from career, competition in life everything makes us more alone. I went through this…

Ellen Jantzen

The natural world can be experienced on many levels, from the reality of a mountain to the ethereal essence of living beings. Trees, specifically, have always played a major role…

Jonathan Deltour

« Par mes images singulières et obsédantes, j’élabore une imagerie à la poésie étrange : 3617 DYSTOPIA. Ma fascination pour l’architecture incongrue, les objets magnifiés […]…

Anna Aseeva

In all my works i try to show " another "side of reality.i try to open elusive, mystery of people, things, spaces.i make invisible visible. sometimes its a dark sides,…


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