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Auteur/autrice L'Œil de la Photographie

The Australian Environment

The book covers 30 years of consistent landscape / environmental photography. My work attempts to transcend the standard collectible tourist photograph, looking instead at documenting underlying structures and qualities, choosing…


Fujifilm Professional and T&G Publishing have selected 10 of Australia’s finest contemporary photographers for this unprecedented publication. They were invited to explore their creativity using Fujifilm’s recently developed, compact, new…

War – A Degree South Collection

°SOUTH also called ‘Degree South’, is a photographic collective of Australia’s most creative and award-winning documentary photographers who have covered conflicts from Vietnam to present day Afghanistan.…

The Windmill Collection

The Windmill Sisters’ collection comprises approximately 1000 images depicting scenes and people in Victoria from 1913 to around1940, an interesting and important historical collection made particularly valuable by Emma Windmill’s…

Factice Magazine #13

Factice Magazine est un magazine de mode en ligne et papier (éditions spéciales) consacré à la photographie. Le magazine ainsi que le site internet qui l’accompagne sont proposés en…


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