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Auteur/autrice L'Œil de la Photographie

Baudoin Lebon –par Molly Benn

Baudouin Lebon, galeriste depuis 1976, occupe la rue Charles-François Dupuis depuis 2011. Issue d'une école de commerce, il devient galeriste par hasard. Son regard exigeant et ses sélections éclectiques rythment…

Renato Silva

“Childhood revisited” photography project was born from a personal need to confront the visual memories of a grown up man, an artist with the reality and how this reality he…

Silvino Gonzalez

I'm a colombian photographer and designer my work is focused in find artistic pathways to melt traditional cultural roots with a global worldwide vision. Right now my goal is to…

Carlo Dorta–(Re)fineart

(Re)FineArt. Large oil, chemical and steel plants have been the symbols of our industrialized world for more than a century. But they have also been the focus of environmental problems,…


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