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Musée de la Camargue : Aux Origines de la Camargue


The Musée de la Camargue implements the cultural mission of the Camargue Regional Natural Park. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Park, the museum is offering the exhibition “Aux Origines”.

It traces the evolution of perceptions and representations of the Camargue from the first geographers, engineers, literary authors and artists, to those of the inhabitants and lovers of this exceptional land. From one image to another, the identity of a territory is forged and experienced by residents, locals and visitors. Filmed testimonies, objects, photographs give back “the spirit of the place”, the soul of the Camargue resulting from millennial interactions between Man and Nature at the source of the Rhône delta.


Aux Origines de la Camargue

Until June 20, 2021

Musée de la Camargue

Mas du Pont de Rousty

13200 Arles


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