Concept : March 17, 2020, the containment device was effective against the coronavirus in France. More than 80 countries will gather in full or partial containment, with a population of over 3.9 billion people forced or asked to stay at home, half of the world population.
These 3.9 billion people live so your situation at the same time. If I refer to the definition of containment, being confined within narrow limits, this concept of limited space I immediately brings to mind a box, this notion of limited space I immediately reminds a cardboard box, four sides, a floor and a single outlet.The notion of box led me directly to this expression used in conventional photography, which was to say, “It’s in the box ! “. It was followed by the question ; in this context of isolation, will partner with our everyday object that will become our company object, one who, like a dog, do not leave us a sole. The indispensable object to forget the loneliness imposed by this confinement. Consequently being unable to move me to take pictures,
I contacted friends and friends of friends, taking advantage of social networks, and the opening of borders they brought me to invite them to be photographed with the object that they will most often used during this period of confinement.
Shape : The shape given to the presentation of these photos in two purposes. The first expressed by the variety of sizes of cardboard boxes, aims to show that we are not all equal cope with this confinement. We do not live in the same way this situation, when you live in a studio 9 square meters downtown or a house of 200 square meters in the countryside. The second is technical. Having received photographs for the most part made with mobile phones. I found myself with a collection of images to the definitions of the most varied, ranging from 340 KB to 9 million pixels.
Contacted countries : Austria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Italy, Romania, UK, Russia, USA Brazil.