Hangzhou, rather than Shanghai or Beijing. Not the usual locations of the contemporary Chinese photography scene, such as Lianzhou and Pingyao International Foto Festival, or the International Photo Fair in Shanghai, but instead a provincial town. But not just any old town: Hangzhou is home to China Academy of Art. It is a traditional city, built around a central lake and surrounded by forests. It’s a city that, over time, has developed a steadfast connection between tradition and art. It’s an ideal place to introduce contemporary photography into a country where, as we are reminded by the three independent curators of Unlisted Projects—Luis Liu, Jiatu Gu, and Yinguang Guo—contemporary art is still a terra incognita. In China, despite the upsurge of contemporary photography and the unique character of the dynamic art output in the country, the work of creation, invention, and promotion still remains to be done. This is a fascinating moment when the viewers’ curiosity and the artists’ creativity still possess the aura of novelty: a sort of blank slate. This sense of the new is captured by the three artists-turned-curators who met while working on their Masters in Photography at the London College of Communication.
Agnès Villette
Habitat Expanded
June 17 to 30, 2017
Bluebox Gallery
Hangzhou, Chine