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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

London: Postmodernism at V&A

Le Victoria et l’Albert Museum vont accueillir Signs of Struggle: Photography in the Wake of Postmodernism jusqu'au 27 Novembre. Un présentation qui complète l’exposition majeure de postmodernisme: Style et Subversion…

Dubai: Sahara Surreal

The Sahara desert is thought of as a vast nothingness. The scorching heat, lack of water and sand instead of infrastructure conspire to create an environment not exactly hospitable. How…

Depara night & day in Kinshasa

Maison Revue Noire presents the first Jean Depara's retrospective (1928-1997). Each of these 150 photographies show the Leopoldville (later Kinshasa) bars/dancings crazy nights when the country access to the independance.…


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