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Cork Photo Festival 2015


In its second year, Cork Photo Festival happens during july all around town. Created by Louise Maher and Naomi Smith in 2014, Cork Photo 2015 is fairly different from other events, as there is no selection and no main theme for selecting photographers. Open to young photographers as much as established ones, it runs parallel to PhotoIreland, as a Fringe event. The town informs the festival, with its architecture, its strong character as much as its inhabitants. Each photographer had to choose a place where to exhibit, enhancing an interesting dialogue between the place and the work.

Louise Maher was inspired by Brighton Photo Fringe, when she was studying photography in Brigthon. She decided to come back to Cork where the festival took shape. 29 exhibitions are spread all around the town. The grand old fashion Camden Palace Hotel serves as the HQ for the festival, whereas a lot of exhibitions are happening in pubs, taxi stations, and in the singular military Elizabeth Fort.  

– Agnès Villette


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